Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Homework Question

As time ran short, many of us were unable to copy down the final question given to us at the end of the class, let alone actually complete it. The question is as follows (though only paraphrased):

Show in as many ways as you can, whether the following function f is even, odd, or neither.
f(x) = x3 - 2x

Good luck and have a great night everyone! See you all in class tomorrow!


Grey-M said...

The function f(x) = x^3-2x is odd:

f(-x) = (-x)^3 - 2(-x)
f(-x) = -x^3 + 2x
Not the same as the original so it is not even...

-f(x) = -(x^3 - 2x)
-f(x) = -x^3 + 2x

-f(x) = f(-x) therefore the function is odd

MrSiwWy said...

yes I received the exact same work to solve the question algebraically, but do we have to post our answers here? Just wondering, 'cos now you have me worrying.

«Craig» said...

Haha... wow. Did we have to post our answers because if so, Graeme has helped pretty much everyone. thank you.

Also, am I supposed to be showing the graphs because I used my calculator. Just wondering...

BTW where are those slides??? I don't have all my notes for the day's lesson =(

m@rk said...

I have no idea if we have to post our answers here, but i guess I'll just keep my solutions handy for tomorrow.

Tim_MATH_y said...


Grey-M said...

whoops, I think he said to post our answers but now I'm not sure...

aichelle s. said...

I totally agree with Graeme..and the rest of you..I too found the functions was odd.